holy freakin' god, that was awesome! i'm still laughing. this might be my new favorite thing.
holy freakin' god, that was awesome! i'm still laughing. this might be my new favorite thing.
praise jebus!
it's here at last! and possibly the best yet. i highly approve of the sniper rifle, the gatling gun, and the use of jesus powers. but what happens now? this isn't the end, is it?? the end leaves room for more, but then again... guess we'll find out in about 8 more months eh?
PRESS. your audio! compress it! i know there's steps for doing so somewhere on ng. do that next time. the file size is inexcusable for a crappy stick flash like this.
Thanks for advice, but you didnt have to call it a crappy stick flash i'm no pro just testing the functions of flash before i get serious on a bigger project. But thanks for the tip about the audio , will look it up
i'm so glad you're not dead! and i'm glad the second episode is out after nearly 3 years! so was it worth the wait? i think so. the art and animation is top-notch, of course, and it's nice to see the story move along. i'm sure you know from other reviews that the voice acting was not this toon's strong point, but it's not so bad that it gets in the way of the otherwise top-notch presentation.
i hope that in the next one some questions will be answered, like what these new people's names are, their relationship, what they were doing inside jewels, how they came back out again, etc. i also hope we won't have to wait another three years! keep on doing what you're doing sir, and welcome back.
well of course...
why bother doing things like 'learning to draw' when you can just find some random sprites of two completely unrelated characters and put them together in a pointless, badly-tweened, 15-second fight scene?
you forgot the NO WAI owl
just sayin
well when it started i figured it was going to be an instant blam, but then there was voice acting and an actual plot! and not crappy, low-quality voice acting like in most first submissions, it sounded clean and was well-executed. so you got that going for you, which is nice. the art and animation were a little 'meh' but if you keep practicing you'll surely get better. if nothing else you could have a future as a voice actor around here.
how to compress audio:
1) double click on the sound in question in the library
2) set "Compression" to "MP3"
3) set "Quality" to "Best"
4) set "Bit Rate" to the lowest possible setting that doesn't completely kill the sound quality.
5) use the "Test" button in the top right and repeat step 4 as many times as necessary.
6) make sure the "Convert stereo to mono" box is checked (unless it's grayed out)
7) click OK
also the actionscript command "stopAllSounds();" is something else you should look into. i'll let you figure out what to do with that.
That helped so much, thank you ver much =]
how wonderfully random this was. i liked the style and the talkings. u r win!
I kinda stopped animating. I could probably voice act some stuff though.
Age 38, Male
Traffic Guy
Charlotte, NC
Joined on 3/20/07