certainly an improvement from some of your previous stuff. glad you decided not to keep being a spam artist. long live frank dude!
certainly an improvement from some of your previous stuff. glad you decided not to keep being a spam artist. long live frank dude!
Spam is just a waste of time. I prefer making good flash
though i certainly do have questions. like... what does this have to do with the war against the machines mentioned at the beginning? i hope they get answered like you said.
but other than that, the 3D-ness of the backgrounds, helicoper, and other objects was pretty sweet. the animation, action, and violence were well-done too. kinda wish they weren't stick figures though, but i guess that can be overlooked if they continue to be animated smoothly and everything else looks good. looking forward to more!
pretty good
certainly not perfect, but pretty good. just a few issues: the text at the beginning was too long and there wasn't enough time to read them before they disappeared. then the music stopped before the movie did. i'm guessing it did fine before it was on here, but the lag from the battle scene caused it to be thrown off. you could alleviate that by either putting the music on stream or shortening the first scene where nothing happens but clouds and blowing grass. and of course there's the slight roughness of the art and animation, but that will improve with experience. but yeah, looking forward to see what you can come up with in the first episode. i'm assuming there's going to be a first episode. there is, right?
Technically it's going to be a full movie. I'm splitting it up into 10, 10 minute episodes. Between my job, writing the 4th book, and finishing my art compilation book it'll be interesting to see when this gets done.
Actually it didn't which is weird. The music normally ends around the text after the last drawn scene which is weird. Oh well, I just cut out 20 seconds of clouds (what the hell was I thinking?) New version should be up within the hour.
same problems as before
backgrounds might've been improved slightly. it's too bad the first got blammed, it probably would've passed and this would've gotten a better score if you just had some sort of sound. maybe add sounds to the first one and fix those other problems (lack of preloader, looping, etc.) and resubmit it. i'm sure it'll pass then.
r.i.p. rainbow man's head
i can relate. i too hate school quite a good bit. you get a 3 if only for the song at the end.
good animation
i like your style. i'd like to see something longer made by you.
pah hahaha
the 'vote 5 i don't know how to make a replay button' made me chuckle. so much stuff that was funny just cuz of how true it is.
and i really hope illwillpress is like that in real life.
hehe. I liked what boinky did with the "Best Movie Ever" part. And like many very new artists we didn't know how to make a replay button. =)
And I hope he is, too. I really do.
that was insane! highly entertaining. i liked how exaggerated and weird everything was, from peppy staring with a bug crawling across his eye to how wolf and fox set down their cups with such force that a big dent was left in the table. if it was up to me, this would be front-paged. everyone needs to see this at least once.
I kinda stopped animating. I could probably voice act some stuff though.
Age 38, Male
Traffic Guy
Charlotte, NC
Joined on 3/20/07