I kinda stopped animating. I could probably voice act some stuff though.

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Does this happen to anyone else?

Posted by BMack24 - May 27th, 2012

Does it? This pixelly mess that distorts the screen sometimes and makes it hard to see what's going on. It seems to happen on almost every online video player except youtube's. Anyone know why it does this? This is on Firefox on Windows Vista.

Does this happen to anyone else?


Yeah it happened to me. I think you have to right click, go to flash settings and set memory storage to unlimited. That fixed it for me.

neato. i'ma try that.

well see, the problem is that you are using vista, i suggest removing the computer by utilizing your nearest window.


And get chrome it is a very nice internet browser.

it didn happent to me but that NG video player is a major fail
it allways LAGGS by me and sometimes the video dont even load

uh......get Google Chrome or Windows 7,I guess.I'm no pro,but.....maybe a new video card?

well i have windows 7 but i had the same problem when NG realeased the new video streaming type playere instead of the old fasion flash player. i saw it happen when i was watching the starbarians byt happyharry and the screen flickered greene and pixleated everywhere depending on ur video runner it may cause problems. the only solution i have to this is either replace ur video card or try upgrading to a new operating system, vista has always been known for video and graphic errors.

Because you're:
1. Using firefux.
2. Not using Google Chrome.
3. Probably using an outdated graphics card, or haven't updated your drivers in a while. Try performing a Windows Update, or trying it on a different browser. Sometimes things don't work for odd little reasons, so you have to just try little odds-and-ends to test things out. It could be your hardware, or your software. Make sure your hardware is up-to-date, and if you can, try upgrading to Windows 7.

Firefox is good, vista sucks.
Change, even windows 95 is better than vista.

My TV does this when it's raining. :D

Don't worry about botware Chrome. It's probably a problem with how the browser loads the animation, or it's a problem with NG's new movie player addition. Might even be something to do with rendering the player.

Also, why do you still have Vista? :<